The Asian Television Awards is back with its own digitalised, modern spin. The rise of platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, has led to a take-over of millennials on the Internet. This year, the awards ceremony will go online with its brand new Instagram Live Chats.

This new initiative will “a welcome opportunity for regional celebrities and their fans to come together under its auspices,” says the Organising Committee. 

With a series of Instagram Live Chats commencing August 2021, the prestigious awards ceremony will be connecting favourites directly to the fans. Branded as ATA Catch-Up, the two volumes will feature a series of 5 chats that lead up to the main event on December 10 and 11. 

tay ying bowie asian television awards

The first Volume was a presentation of all entertainment personalities, from the likes of TikToker Ming Wei from Singapore to beloved singer Morissette from the Philippines. The second Volume will be welcoming more from Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Hong Kong to make an appearance on the Live Chats, each one adorning a different theme. 

This upcoming week, ATA Catch-Up Vol. 2 will showcase Li You Ru from Taiwan, Julie Tan and Tay Ying from Singapore, Bowie Cheung from Hong Kong, Rossa and Afgan from Indonesia. 

Future chat shows will be a celebration of past and present performances, hosts, presenters and winners of the Asian Television Awards, all hosted by Benjamin Josiah Tan. 

Each highly anticipated ATA Catch-Up Vol. 2 Live Chat will be livestreamed on the Asian Television Award’s Instagram page.

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