A former governor, five scientists, two theater luminaries, and important figures from the US, India, Vienna, Spain, and the United Kingdom, that’s the honorary advisory board of the new Howard Bloom Institute, an institute dedicated “to helping us see everything inside of us and everything around us in a whole new way” by spreading the insights of the man Britain’s Channel 4 TV calls the Einstein, Newton, Darwin and Freud of the 21st century, Howard Bloom.
Here are just a few of The Howard Bloom Institute Honorary Advisory Board members:
Governor David Paterson, Former Governor of New York State
Richard Foreman, MacArthur Genius Award-winner and widely acknowledged as the Dean of avant-garde theatre. Founder Ontological-Hysteric Theatre Company.
James Burke, Creator of seven television series for the BBC including Connections and The Day the Universe Changed
Martin Bojowald, Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos. Penn State University, author, Foundations of Quantum Cosmology and Once Before Time: A Whole Story of the Universe
Peter Garretson, Former head of the Future Science and Technology branch of the Air Force.
Srijan Pal Singh, CEO, The Kalam Centre, India
Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Research group for Human Computer Interaction, Vienna University of Technology. head of the Global Brain and of the Digital Humanities projects.
Pedro Marijuan, head of the Foundation of Information Science Group, Senior Researcher, Aragon Health Sciences Institute. Spain
EE Coons, Graduate Psychology Department, New York University, discoverer of the function of the hypothalamus.
Lisa Coleman of Prince’s band The Revolution and of Wendy & Lisa.
Harry Hamlin, Founder of the nuclear fusion firm TAE Technologies, Yale graduate, actor, named Sexiest Man Alive by People Magazine in 1987. Starred as Perseus in the classic 1981 fantasy film Clash of the Titans. Four time Golden Globe nominee and Primetime Emmy Award nominee for his work on the AMC drama series Mad Men.
One initiative of the Howard Bloom Institute is the establishment of the new discipline of Omnology, a field dedicated to those whose range of disciplines allows them to see the big picture. An honorary advisory board that goes from scientists to politicians to performers exists because, in fact, all of its members are omnologists.
The official website for the Howard Bloom institute may be found at https://www.howardbloom.institute