Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Monday launched an advanced Green War Room to monitor air pollution 24X7 in the national capital and ensure effective implementation of winter action plan to curb it. This war room will work from the seventh floor of the Delhi Secretariat where a 12-member team comprising environment scientists and other officials will be deployed, the minister said while addressing a press conference here.

“We have launched an advanced Green War Room from today and it will work round the clock. It will monitor air pollution levels 24X7 and ensure that all necessary measures are taken to curb the pollution in accordance with the amended GRAP. The war room will also analyse pollution data of the city,” Minister Rai [said](

Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) is a set of anti-air pollution measures followed in the national capital and its vicinity according to the severity of the situation.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had on Friday announced a 15-point winter action plan to combat pollution in the city.

Minister Rai said the war room will also be linked with Green Delhi App through which residents can send their complaints regarding pollution, such as garbage burning, to the war room. Then the necessary instructions to concerned departments will be issued to address the issue, he said.

The minister said that so far 54,156 complaints have been received on Green Delhi App by residents in different parts of the city. “Out of 54,156 complaints, nearly 90 per cent have been addressed. Maximum 32,573 complaints are related to MCD followed by PWD which have 9,118 complaints and 3,333 complaints are related to DDA,” Minister Rai said.

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