They’re back!

One year ago, we launched the first ever Crime Fiction Lover Awards and not only were they popular and successful, everyone had fun participating. Even authors and publishers who didn’t win have told us they enjoyed taking part, and the response we had from readers was out of this world.

Our awards are a bit different. They’re international and we have a very big panel of judges. In fact, you’re on it!

Just like in 2021, readers will be nominating in all the categories, and voting on the final winners. All year, you’ve been reading our opinions on crime novels and seeing the verdicts we give at the bottom of our reviews. Now it’s your turn to have your say. You get to decide who wins a Crime Fiction Lover Award in 2022.

You can see last year’s shortlists here, and the final winners of 2021 here.

How it works…

Nominations for the Crime Fiction Lover Awards 2022 have opened and you can nominate across six categories:

Best Crime Novel

Best Debut

Best in Translation

Best Indie Novel

Best Author

Best Crime Show

To qualify for the shortlist, your nomination will need to have been published in English between 1 November 2021 and 31 October 2022. In the Best Author category, the author needs to have published crime fiction during this period.

It can be hard to define what an ‘indie’ crime novel is. Some independent publishers are actually very big, very well resourced companies. That’s not what we have in mind – we’re looking for novels published by smaller independent companies with a turnover under £500,000 (US$560,000).

You’re not obliged to nominate in every category. If you haven’t read anything in a particular area, just move on to the next question. Our form lets you do that.

So, cast your mind back over the past 12 months of crime fiction and nominate your absolute favourite crime books, author and television show. What will you choose? We can’t wait to find out!

The next round and the winners

Nominations will officially close at noon UK time on Wednesday 2 November 2022. Then we’ll compile the shortlists for each category and open a new online form for you to vote for the winners.

As well as a Winner in each category, our team will select an Editor’s Choice award from the shortlist. It may or may not be the same as the book, show or author that receives the most votes.

Say ‘no’ to spam!

We are very aware that when awards are opened up to online nominations and voting, it’s possible the shortlists and winners may not reflect the best of the best. Events like this get spammed all the time. Boaty McBoatface hasn’t written any crime novels! To counter this possibility, we have measures in place to detect and eliminate spam nominations and votes. (We’d ask anyone thinking of attempting this to save everyone’s time and not bother.)

In 2021, we had SUCH a good time running the awards and sending out the prizes – we are super excited to do it again in 2022. We will do our utmost to ensure that –one, they’re driven by our community; and two, everything is conducted fairly for all involved.


A shiny, shiny award certificate stamp!
Line of Duty creator Jed Mercurio with his Best Crime Show 2021 award.
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