Donald Trump Jr receives death threat and unidentified white powder in envelope at Florida home | US News

Donald Trump Jr has been sent a letter containing a death threat and an unidentified white powder.

Several fire engines and men in hazmat suits were seen outside the Florida home of Mr Trump Jr on Monday after the 46-year-old opened the envelope.

A spokesperson for Mr Trump Jr, who is Donald Trump’s eldest son, confirmed the incident to Sky News’s US partner NBC News, and said test results to identify the white substance were inconclusive but that officials on the scene did not believe it was deadly.

Local police said the investigation is being handled by the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, which has not released any details following the incident.

Monday’s incident marks the second time white powder has been sent to Mr Trump Jr.

In 2018, his then wife, Vanessa, was taken to a New York City hospital after she opened an envelope addressed to her husband that contained an unidentified white powder.

Police later said the substance wasn’t dangerous.

In March 2016, police detectives and FBI agents investigated a threatening letter sent to the Manhattan apartment of Mr Trump Jr’s brother Eric that also contained a white powder that turned out to be harmless.

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Envelopes containing white powder were also sent twice in 2016 to Trump Tower, which served as Trump’s campaign headquarters.

“It’s just become a little bit too commonplace that this sort of stuff happens,” Mr Trump Jr told The Daily Caller after the latest incident.

“It doesn’t matter what your politics are, this type of crap is unacceptable.”

Mr Trump Jr made similar comments after the first incident in 2018.

In a tweet, he said: “Thankful that Vanessa and my children are safe and unharmed after the incredibly scary situation that occurred this morning.

“Truly disgusting that certain individuals choose to express their opposing views with such disturbing behaviour.”

Mr Trump Jr is one of his father’s top campaign surrogates, frequently headlining events and appearing in interviews on his behalf.

Hoax attacks using white powder play on fears following incidents in 2001 when letters containing deadly anthrax were mailed to news organisations and the offices of two US senators, leading to the deaths of five people.

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