Amanda Bass knows the world of designer bags like Coco Chanel knew the art of the little black dress. Designer bags are part of who she is and it was that love that inspired her to innovate the fashion industry in a way no other has before.
“I received my first Prada bag at age 6. It was a gift from my father, who was my closest friend and confidant. He traveled often, but always brought gorgeous designer bags back for me when he returned from a trip.” explained Amanda when asked about how she developed an eye for the art of luxury’s handbags.
Her business idea came very organically as it was one shared by both her father and herself alike. There is an infrastructure for fashion stylists, but what about accessorizers, especially those of designer handbags? Most women dream of owning a designer bag but due to exclusivity and limited production, it is hard to get your hands on the perfect one. Amanda’s business not only takes the time to understand which brand, fit, and style of bag would best suit you, but her team searches for that infallible match, for your forever arm buddy, or at least one beautiful piece to add to your luxury handbag collection. When shopping for a designer bag, no one wants to settle, and now, because of Amanda’s business, Got It In The Bag, you don’t have to!
“Dad’s love language was giving, especially designer bags. Over time he developed working relationships with corporate contacts at brands like Chanel, Prada, and Gucci. The older I got, the more I came to develop a deep knowledge of the beauty of these bags.
The intricacy of the delicate stitching. The suppleness of the leather. The feelings of elite exclusivity that comes with an appointment at Chanel.” Recalls Amanda.
Over time, Amanda’s dad introduced her to his contacts, and she began developing her own relationship. She had a business plan in mind and was determined to bring it to fruition.
“I feel like my biggest obstacle was doing something that has never been done before and of course, taking the risk, jumping in not knowing the outcome. But honestly, that is also the beauty in all of it too.” says Amanda.
Got It In The Bag is a designer handbag and accessory styling service that is 100% tailored to the needs and wants of her clientele, completely personalized to their schedules and preferred communication without lacking that specialized, in person, brand direct experience that makes every client feel like a celebrity. Gentlemen, don’t feel left out, Amanda also caters to the needs of her male clientele through exclusive designer men’s pieces.
“We are talking more than just a purchase, Got It In The Bag is a fully exclusive experience that our clients can have at their fingertips from where they are most comfortable, with pure convenience.” Explains Amanda.
If you are interested in experiencing the A-list service from Amanda and her team at Got It In The Bag, visit her website ( to start a complimentary appointment or reach out to her on instagram at
Photo Credits: Kelly Day Portraits