Following the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, dinosaurs are no longer contained to an island or two. These prehistoric creatures are now roaming across the entire world, setting the stage for the still-secretive plot of next year’s Jurassic World Dominion. While the sixth installment in the Jurassic Park franchise will obviously be packed with dinosaur species we’ve seeing in previous movies, there are also some newcomers joining the fray, one of which will be chasing down Chris Pratt’s Owen Grady.

With six months to go until Jurassic World Dominion’s long-awaited arrival, a new image from the threequel has been released showing Owen Grady fleeing on a motorcycle from an Atrociraptor. Take a look at the pursuit below.

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Jurassic World Dominion director Colin Trevorrow told Empire that this moment comes from a sequence set in Malta. While the circumstances in which Owen Grady ran into this Atrociraptor aren’t being divulged just yet, it goes without saying that Chris Pratt’s character better keep putting the pedal to the metal, otherwise he’s toast. Trevorrow also explained what distinguishes the Atrociraptor from the raptors we’ve seen in this franchise before:

Where the Velociraptor is a little bit more of a stealth hunter, the Atrociraptors are a bit more brutish. These things will just come at you. And in this particular case, they’ve picked his scent, and they’re not going to stop until he’s dead. They’re pretty brutal. They’re pretty vicious.

As noted earlier, the Atrociraptor is just one of a handful of new dinosaurs that will cause a ruckus in Jurassic World Dominion. Colin Trevorrow said the following about two other species that will pop up:

I love the Pyroraptors. I love the Atrociraptors. There’s a little one called the Moros intrepidus, who doesn’t do a ton in the movie, but whenever it shows up, I always love it.

This image of Chris Pratt in Jurassic World Dominion follows two weeks after we saw Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire Dearing submerged in a swamp while a dinosaur (believed to be a Therizinosaurus) lurked behind her. Now that the first official images for Dominion are coming out, hopefully that means we’re not too far away from the first trailer coming out. If you think the Atrociraptor looks intimidating in a picture, just imagine how great it will be getting to see that thing charging at Owen Grady.

Other folks returning alongside Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard in Jurassic World Dominion  include the original Jurassic Park trio of Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern, as well as BD Wong, Daniella Pineda, Justice Smith, Isabella Sermon and Omar Sy. The newcomers include Campbell Scott (taking over the role of Lewis Dodgson), Mamoudou Athie, Scott Haze, Dichen Lachman and DeWanda Wise. In addition to his directorial duties, Colin Trevorrow co-wrote the Dominion script with Emily Carmichael.

Jurassic World Dominion rampages into theaters on June 10, 2022. If you’re wondering what else is slated to provide cinematic entertainment in the coming year, our 2022 release schedule is available for perusal.

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